5 tips to grow your start-up using SWOT analysis
by Martin Blake (KPMG) and Shehan Wijetilaka (LaurusMark)
Having a strength greater than your competitor is irrelevant unless it is an important factor in customer decision making. As a start-up, how do you pinpoint these strengths? What can you do about it? Read Article

How to save your start-up from failing
by Jim Burke (LaurusMark) and Shehan Wijetilaka (LaurusMark)
Starting and growing a business mean taking time to critically examine the problems that you solve – with a deep focus on what value it delivers to customers. If you’re going into business on your own for the first time, a growth plan can help you side-step issues and focus clearly on what you do best for your customers. Read Article

Towards Client Centricity: Gaining more trust
by Shehan Wijetilaka (LaurusMark)
The mainstay of effectiveness in advisory services will ultimately be the balance between an efficient focus on technical skills and the effective employment of value creation skills. We believe those value-creation skills should be synonymous with business development skills. Read Article

Set a customer agenda and grow revenues
by Shehan Wijetilaka (LaurusMark)
A well-crafted strategy executed on customer agenda promises to reverse the threat of social media by winning customers by creating real value. Read Article

Buying decisions for commoditised products not solely based on price
by Shehan Wijetilaka (LaurusMark)
Buying decisions for commoditised products are not solely based on price – only banks that offer customers real value can move ahead of competitors. Read Article